'Obsession' and 'expectations',i guess,are two of the most imminent causative elements of the perils that plague the social existence of a human being.Obsessions for all the good things that make up the worldly life,like luxury,love etc ...and then,the expectations to get the best from your fellow beings and from the world around....but hold it,for there is another unnoticed phenomena that can cost much more that what we ever thought of and that is,SELF-LOVE..In the rut,or so to say,'the symphony',of life,we often fail to realise that half the cause of our miseries is nothing but the intense love we have for ourselves............What happens as a result of it,is the simplest way we choose to vent off our miseries.That is,blaming time and destiny or life as a whole,or for the sense of unfullfillment it dawns time and again..The solution to it is simple if we choose to listen and reflect on our our own thoughts...Dont we pamper ourselves a little too much!
...here's a list of fancies of the self-obsessed souls:
-that life should offer them ALL that they ever wished for and a single exception can inflict pain.
-that everyone around should percieve the way they do.
-that their opinions should be congruent with everyone.
-that the world should smile,laugh,cry,sigh,and go berserk with them.
-that life should be a roller-coaster ride of their whims and fancies.
But the grave tragedy strikes when they just cant get out of this cobweb even after realising that they need to get themselves disentangled!
Poor bruised hearts!...And bruised minds!!...indeed ,no one could device a cure for
your ailment.....the strife with self continues........