'There's no thrill in easy sailing when the sky is clear and blue,
there's no joy in merely doing things which anyone can do,
but there is certain satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take,
when you reach a destination that you thought you would never make.'
Sometimes i wonder if things are going in accord with the plans of the creator.He gave the same share of gift talent to all so that they can carry it with humility.Its just tht some find time and circumstances to discover the gift while some are left to grumble about the injustice of the creator.The question is, is it really not possible to get over the hard times.To rise and arise...to realise even more??
No mountaneer ever knew that he could make it to the peak of the Everest until he actually did it.How would it have worked for the wood-cutter, had he given in to his profusely oozing sweat?Because he knew that when he eventually cuts the wood in
hundred blows of his axe,it would be not because of the hundredth blow but because of the consistent 99 preceeding blows that seemed futile at one point of time.lets take for instance, the life of the legendary American President Abraham lincoln.He lead an utterly underprivilaged childhood.He didnt get a chance to go to a proper school and gained knowledge while working in farm and splitting rails for fences.He also lost his mother as a kid.His family was forced out of home and he had to work to support them.In the later years of his life he failed in business twice and lost 8 elections when he took to politics.....a stream of set backs indeed.But did he not rise again and again.Even in the midst of the stoic life,did he not dare to dream big and find a place as the 'Great American President'?.It must have been despairing for Edison to encounter successive failures. But he arised from every failure saying,'I have not failed.I've just found 10,000 ways that wont work' and ultimately invented the electric bulb without which the world would have never realised that the setting sun does not take away all the light!
To take a broader view, lets plunge back in time when history witnessed the greatest catastrophy.The nuclear attack of the United States on the Japnese
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the year 1945.The bombing vanquished whole of Japan. The aftermath scares one even today.Cities were reduced to rubbles.Corpses were strewn all over like litters.Hunger,agony and suffering enveloped the nation for years after........Today Japan is one of the most developed and prosperous nations of the globe with world class infrastructure,health care system,burgeoing technology,second largest economy and what not?The question is what made it possible for Japan to raise itself from rubbles to riches??Isnt it the 'rise and arise...' spirit?
Its must be a great feeling.When one realises transcening one's own supposed capabilities and expectations.All it takes is to keep alive the never-give-in attitude towards the weakening forces that make all attempts to put off our spirits in times of strife.We all have it in us deep within.All it takes is a little bit of stirring our souls,our conscience.All it takes is to try awakening the powerful human being within each one of us that often seems to be slumbering.
C'mon folks...get up and get going.The creator never gave you the veto to undermine yourself.He has made you the treasurer of your talents..so take good care of it..dont let its sheen fade away..afterall its yours!
Well written Amrita,& apt examples cited by you.After all ,who are we to judge & limit ourselves (though its difficult not to..!).
ReplyDeleteAs they say a problem seems to be tougher in our imaginations than it actually is,like the recent industrial seminars we had, the 1st of its kind for us,they did give us all those jitters in the beginning but eventually turned out to be a cake walk..!