Its Christmas eve. No, i guess it’s Christmas today! But what is making it so difficult ,to get this harbinger of delight,down my gut?…..Winter is chilly as ever and topping that the Sun is frowning and reluctant to show its face. The absolute blur would make it difficult to make out the figures passing by, even a yard away. I notice the tiny droplets of fog settling all over my hair. And time and again I let out a whiff of vapor from my mouth for my love for doing it ever since I was a kid ( it somehow still makes me feel that I have some supernatural power.. like muggles or like those monsters in fairy tales).And I do all weird things, I mean, things that are weird according to my whims and fancies, like, listening to hip-hop music, cozying in the couch before the T.V all day long switching from one channel to another to find at least one thing that sooths my restless nerve ….!I have to keep reminding myself that its Christmas, a time to rejoice, a time to celebrate, and that I am holidaying back home and that there is so much of beauty and sunshine out there..Beauty and sunshine??….Ok,I believe myself …I push a smile..I start humming a jubiliant song….but suddenly I am reminded of something… What was that? If my memory isn’t playing with me,only a few days back TV was flashing the live coverage of open fire in some place…chaos, bloodshed, panic, suffering …it was a perfect spectacle of all of it…even till today the aftermath of it is incessantly being aired on TV….I feel irritable. I accuse. I suspect the steps taken by government to refrain similar future occurance .And above all I feel helpless.I pity on myself for being able to do only one thing, that is, castigating…So,out of the gloom ,I get out of my cozy couch and decide to take a stroll by the roadside, to catch some life in motion.I put on still some more warmer clothes to look double of my actual dimensions.(only breadth wiseJ)..Finally I am out. In the open catching more light that inside of my home…I feel the wind on my face…I love it even in the piercing cold…at least its taking over the stagnation within and without. I have walked half a mile catching so many epressions on people’s faces(the fog isn’t so thick now as the early hours of day)…I enjoy observing the diversity of life before I came across this facet of the diversity…On the footpath was sitting a little girl half naked with an infant covered in rags scarcely covering his body in the chill of winter…I wonder if the infant is the little girls kid….A kid of a kid?…I feel miserable…why don’t they have clothes to protect themselves from the fiery wind?..Don’t they have a home?….Why cant I do something for them?..I think of giving away my coat to the girl? I walk a little closer…but then reminded of mamma who may scold me for giving away my new expensive coat to the urchin…There may be many thousands like them shivering in the cold with nothing and nobody to their rescue.What could I for them? How many coats would I give?I explain to myself. And I step back…back on my way….The appalling scene left me filled with remorse and guilt..I decided to retreat to my home……No, but whatsoever…its Christmas eve.The New Year will also show up soon….Its time to rejuvinate and celebrate…And as they say,”the Show must go on…”.
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